Welcome to Bengal Law College
Establishing a college is not a big story in the present scenario where Educational Institute are mushrooming here and there, but it certainly becomes a remarkable story when a private college touches almost the acme of Excellence at the age of 14 years. Bengal Law College, Santi Niketan has achieved the remarkable feat and it has become one of the three best private law colleges in eastern zone and has secured the 46th rank against more than 136 competitors in all over India as per the survey made by none other than the India Today Group

Notice Board
View MoreFrom the Desk of Respected Registrar
Being the registrar of Bengal Law College, Santi Niketan ,I feel proud that the performance of BLC among the law colleges’ not only in West Bengal but also in India, is quite remarkable. I hope all the students ,ex students and well wishers are aware of this fact.
BLC is receiving a number of prizes in the academic field from various nationally recognised bodies including ‘India Today’ for the last 3 years. The faculties are also engaged to prove themselves and bring forth the national awards for BLC. These all are possible only because of the undaunted aspiration of both the teachers and the students, in order to help BLC reach an envious height.

From the Desk of Principal
Hello students!
Greetings of the session and a very warm welcome to BLC.
The questions to discuss are mainly of two aspects_ why you would study law ?and why at BLC ?
Law is the dynamic subject that helps you to secure knowledge in different branches of studies, namely Political Science, Sociology, History, Philosophy Economics and so on. Like literature ,the mirror of society ,law reflects society too. It is the subject that helps to frame the different policies of administration of a country. Apart from the aspirant of honorable judges, learned lawyers and other respected legal stakeholders.
Courses We Are Offering

Our Achievement and Statistics

Best Faculty
Law Courses
Qualified Students

Our college helps to build up the future of every students.
Our Institution is not just about an exhaustive academic curriculum but also provides us a lot of opportunity regarding extracurricular activities . The entire campus is well maintained . Classrooms are always neat & tidy. Every corner is under CCTV surveillance 24 hours a day. Our college has Wi-Fi & Library facilities and yes a well decorated Moot Court room is also available for grooming the students.
Devalina Mondal
BALLB (hons.) 8th Semester. Batch of 2018-2023

I am Amit Chakraborty, Batch of BLC 2020-22. Law is a demanding subject, and Bengal Law College not only provides you with the guidance necessary to excel, but they do it with zealous dedication. Through my three years at BLC, I have had the honour of witnessing this institution blossom into becoming the flag bearer of high-quality education of Law. I feel grateful for being part of the process.
Amit Chakraborty

The Bengal Law College is a home to me. For a person like me who was totally new in the environment of the Santi Niketan, the college and it’s faculty members along with the other staffs have been so supportive and have helped me to cope up right from the beginning till today. Along with the beautiful campus each classrooms are so nurtured with knowledge and wisdom and the credit goes to all the great teachers in the College.
Nabeela Akbar
8th semester 2018-2023
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